Monday, April 18, 2011

April Flowers

April is the month where everything in my garden starts blooming. Here's some of my favorite flowers.

This is Cleome and it is a new addition to my garden. I bought this a few weeks ago at a nursery in Prairieville and have been pleased with my purchase. It has lots of blooms and new buds emerging.

I love the blue flowers of Victoria Blue Salvia! I've had this salvia for two years. The first year it didn't bloom much and stayed small, but this year its blooming more and growing bigger! You can't go wrong with salvias. Here is a close up of the flower.

The above is Mexican Bush Sage (Salvia leucantha). It is also a new addition and I love it. The leaves and flowers are fuzzy. Here is a close up of the flower.

One of my new favorites is Gaillardia or Blanket Flower. It started blooming a few days ago and has plenty more flowers buds about to open. I like this plant because it doesn't need much water (drought tolerant). Any plant I buy must be able to tolerate the hot Louisiana summers.

This Milkweed (Asclepia tuberosa) is the only host plant for Monarch butterflies. I planted two in hopes of attracting Monarchs. So far I haven't seen any....

We found this beautiful Hibiscus on clearance at Louisiana Nursery for $2. I couldn't pass it up. I love the solid yellow flowers! I always check the clearance racks when I'm at plant nurserys. You can find good deals, especially at Lowe's or Home Depot.


  1. They're all beautiful!!

  2. I've always like those fuzzy Mexican Bush Sage blooms :) Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. Why do I never find a hibiscus for only 2 bucks? They must sell plants way cheaper over in LA than they do here in TX. Next time I'll have you getting one for me and send it to me. ;)

    Great pictures of your flowers.
    Paula Jo
